Custom Estimates



Squarespace Websites


Squarespace monthly fee: $26

  • Home Page

  • Services or Products Page

  • Contact Page

  • Newsletter Forms connected to Email Marketing

  • CTA (Call To Action), Lead Magnet

  • Lead Magnet Landing Page

  • Required Legal Pages

    • Terms & Conditions

    • Disclaimer

    • Privacy Policy

  • Domain email set up

  • SEO Review


Constant Contact Integration


Constant Contact monthly fee: $45

  • Integrated Website and Email Marketing

  • Integrated Domain Email

  • Integrated Facebook personal and business accounts

  • Integrated Instagram accounts

  • Set Global Settings

  • Plan Email Marketing and Social Media Schedule

  • Generate Content & Copy for 1 month

    • 2 Newsletter Emails

    • 4-8 Facebook/Instagram Posts


Acuity Scheduling Integration


Acuity Scheduling monthly fee: $15-$25

  • Integrated Website and Online Scheduling

  • Integrated Acuity to Email Marketing

  • Integrated Acuity to Zoom

  • Integrated Acuity to Apple or Google calendar

  • Set Availability

  • Set Online Payment Settings

  • Add Intake Forms & Questions

  • Add Appointment

  • Add Package

  • Add Class, if needed


Facebook and Instagram Ads with Constant Contact


Constant Contact monthly fee: $45

  • Define Niche

  • Define 1-3 Ideal Customers

  • Create 1-3 Targeted Facebook Audiences

  • Create 1-3 Ads in Constant Contact for both Facebook and Instagram

  • Define Geographical Area by City, County, State, or Country

  • Verify SEO

Google Ads with Constant Contact


Constant Contact monthly fee: $45

Schedule a Free Consultation

Click ‘Set time zone’ > Choose a time > Fill in the form > Click ‘Complete Appointment’

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