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Small Business Websites, Email Marketing, Social Media, and Online Scheduling Integration M

ade Fun, Simple, and Easy!

  • Squarespace Websites

  • Integrated Email Marketing by Constant Contact

  • Scheduled Social Media Posts by Constant Contact

  • Integrated Online Client Scheduling

  • Integrated Online Payments

Your Needs


Do you need a website? Or does your current Squarespace website need a boost?

Can you imagine what it would feel like to have a website that shows the real you? I will help you create a beautiful, functional website, tailored to fit your business and your vision. Then I will provide you step-by-step videos of how to update your site so you can take care of the basics yourself in the future.


Having issues integrating your website with email marketing? Or don’t have email marketing yet?

What would it be like to have email marketing integrated with your website? That takes email address submissions and subscribes them to your newsletter seamlessly? A properly tested integration that verifies emails are being sent and contains the proper information? A visual email designer that is easy to use? Also integrated with your online scheduling, if you use one? This is a great way to grow your customer base and offer special deals.


Need an online client scheduling service for online classes, 1:1 appointments, or package deals?

What might it be like for clients to schedule appointments or classes directly from your website? How would it feel to have online scheduling create Zoom meetings and take care of emailing the Zoom links? Acuity Scheduling integrates well with Squarespace and takes the headache out of back and forth emails to create appointments and the rush to send Zoom links before online classes.

Looking for better SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rankings in Google?

Better SEO can boost your site’s ranking in Google and lead to more customers. What would it be like to use email marketing to send your customers a link to leave a review on Google? Customer reviews can show trustworthiness and showcase your commitment to your customers.


Spending too much time weekly preparing and posting on social media?

What if you could schedule your Facebook and Instagram posts a month or more ahead of time? With Constant Contact, you can. This means you can choose consistent days each week to post and schedule all the content at once. This will allow you to spend more time on your business and doing the things you love.


Have a desire to set up ads on Facebook or Instagram to place your product or services in front of more potential customers?

What would it be like to get some guidance creating a niche, 1-3 ideal customers, and creating Facebook audiences based on your ideal customers? Once Facebook audiences are created, they can be used in Constant Contact to create ads to reach even more potential customers and grow your business.

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Hi. I’m Tara Phoenix

I have a B. S. in Computer Engineering and over 25 years of experience in software engineering. During the last 3 years, I have also devoted myself to my health and spirituality, studying with Dr. Sue Morter. Recently I started my health and wellness business and due to COVID, everything moved online. My technology skills came in handy to evaluate and integrate websites, email marketing, social media, and online scheduling. Also, I familiarized myself with marketing concepts, content, copy, and editing. I additionally researched all the tech tools for websites, email marketing, and social media engagement comparing which tools were the easiest to use and have the best features for their monthly operational costs.

Now you can benefit from my research, marketing knowledge, and technology expertise. I am here to serve health and wellness small businesses that want an easy-to-manage and fully integrated tools-based online presence that includes any of the following: websites with SEO, email marketing, scheduled social media posts, online client scheduling, and online payments.

Custom Estimates



Squarespace Websites


Squarespace monthly fee: $26

  • Home Page

  • Services or Products Page

  • Contact Page

  • Newsletter Forms connected to Email Marketing

  • CTA (Call To Action), Lead Magnet

  • Lead Magnet Landing Page

  • Required Legal Pages

    • Terms & Conditions

    • Disclaimer

    • Privacy Policy

  • Domain email set up

  • SEO Review


Constant Contact Integration


Constant Contact monthly fee: $45

  • Integrated Website and Email Marketing

  • Integrated Domain Email

  • Integrated Facebook personal and business accounts

  • Integrated Instagram accounts

  • Set Global Settings

  • Plan Email Marketing and Social Media Schedule

  • Generate Content & Copy for 1 month

    • 2 Newsletter Emails

    • 4-8 Facebook/Instagram Posts


Acuity Scheduling Integration


Acuity Scheduling monthly fee: $15-$25

  • Integrated Website and Online Scheduling

  • Integrated Acuity to Email Marketing

  • Integrated Acuity to Zoom

  • Integrated Acuity to Apple or Google calendar

  • Set Availability

  • Set Online Payment Settings

  • Add Intake Forms & Questions

  • Add Appointment

  • Add Package

  • Add Class, if needed


Facebook and Instagram Ads with Constant Contact


Constant Contact monthly fee: $45

  • Define Niche

  • Define 1-3 Ideal Customers

  • Create 1-3 Targeted Facebook Audiences

  • Create 1-3 Ads in Constant Contact for both Facebook and Instagram

  • Define Geographical Area by City, County, State, or Country

  • Verify SEO

Google Ads with Constant Contact


Constant Contact monthly fee: $45

Schedule a Free Consultation

Click ‘Set time zone’ > Choose a time > Fill in the form > Click ‘Complete Appointment’

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